Political Activity
Plumbers Local 24 takes an extremely active role in the political process in New Jersey. Elections have consequences therefore, it is imperative that we work to ensure the election of candidates at of all levels of Government, regardless of political party, who understand the needs of our working families. Local 24 does this in many ways including most notably, our many volunteers for the Labor Walks on behalf of endorsed candidates during election campaigns.
Plumbers Local 24 works closely with the New Jersey State Pipe Trades Association to advance our legislative agenda which includes initiatives affecting the plumbing and construction industry, job safety, economic development issues and any issue that could impact our fringe benefits. Plumbers Local 24 also partners with organizations, with common interests to maximize our effectiveness when lobbying on an issue. At various times we have partnered with groups from labor, business and community and social based organizations.
Plumbers Local 24 Political Action Committee is comprised of the Business Manager, Business Agents, President and Executive Board.
Please contact us if you want to become more active or if you have questions pertaining to legislation or a legislator in your area. We welcome your input. You may also want to click on the Government Information link on this website.